
 Can I setup automatic payments?

Yes, currently we only accept automatic payments through PayPal.To cancel an automatic PayPal...

 How can I receive a refund or cancel?

Our refund policy allows for a request to be made for a refund within 3 days of the...

 How do I use an account credit?

If you have a credit balance in your account, it will automatically be applied to any...

 Product / Services information not received?

If you have not received the account information for your order, it is possible that the...

 What payment methods do you accept?

HostDel accepts PayPal, Crypto Currency.Don't have any of these payment methods? Contact us to...

 Which crypto currencies do you accept?

We currently accept all major crypto currencies:- Bitcoin (BTC)- Ethereum (ETH)- Litecoin (LTC)-...

 Why UnPaid even after payments confirmed with Paypal ?

On some of the products and services we manually process the PayPal Payments. Once our process is...